Thursday, June 16, 2011

Would I make out with Jimmy Herring?...Only if he was playing guitar at the time.

So that was pretty much awesome! Austin is definitely growing on me. It's like if you took Little Five Points and Virginia Highlands, squashed them together and made them an entire city. Oh and also made it hot as balls but that I won't complain about. This is a beautiful city full of music and alcohol which are obviously 2 of my favorite things. I spent yesterday riding my bike along the river and after some sick mexican food went exploring around E 6th which is basically the drinking district. Saddled up at this one bar to kill time for a bit. There seems to be alot to do in Austin but not much touristy stuff which is perfectly fine by me. However my head is KILLING me this morning...tends to happen after a good Panic set. Apparently there are a ton of water sports in this town (no I don't mean getting my face peed on) so that will be the plan for this afternoon...something called Barton Springs. That's going to be my afternoon and then I guess we'll hit some bars tonight or something. Austin has definitely thrown a monkey wrrench in my whole plan to get out of my normal routine but it's perfectly fine. I tend to thrive in drunk ass musical shitshow environments!! Hey Musical there's a good band name. Day trip to San Antonio tomorrow and then a party on Saturday before the real trip begins. Keep killing it chitlins!

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