Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Survived!!!!

OK so I made it home safe after over 1900 miles of driving in two days because I am the man. By the way...Nebraska sucks BALLS! It is flat, boring, smelly, and everyone is really fat. Other than that it was a nice drive and I walked into my apartment at 11:33 at night utterly exhausted from driving for almost 15 hours. My God what a trip. I feel like I cut it short a bit but I came home as soon as I was over it. Top picks for cities were definitely San Diego and Austin however San Francisco would have been better without all the hills. Galcier was a staggering highlight as well as Big Bend. I will definitely be doubling back to Utah as soon as possible and I need to see Yosemite but all in all I think I covered most of my bases. I think I want to go to Australia next after I spend a few months as a male prostitute and save up...assuming I can keep my crack habit under control which is obviously always the biggest question mark in anyone's existence.

Traveling like that really is quite awesome...you meet so many different people and you learn so much about people's lives and cultures and other places. I am very glad I did it and I want to do it again some day for sure. Maybe flying next time however although I am definitely no longer afraid of driving.

So what now? Shit I don't know but I think I'm going to go back to school. I definitely want to reinvent my life and existence and I need some schooling in order to do that. Bees are pretty cool...I wonder what kind of degree you need to be a beekeeper. Bees.Bees.Bees. Big money in bees. Maybe I'll sell all of my possessions and put it into bees. BUZZZZZZZ.

OK that was weird I don't know where I was giong with that. Well I'm going to keep posting stuff on here and trying to keep it funny...I'll probably go back to the really weird observations I used to have all the time since my normal life isn't nearly as interesting as me tooling around America doing silly shit and drinking with Australians. Peace!

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