Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back in the high life again...

So I have a big announcement for everyone! I have changed my name...I am now Richard Productivity Edge because productivity is my middle name! Things are being produced at an alarming rate and my time has largely been filled with me just gazing at my beautiful and productive physique in the mirror and pondering the utter productive nature of my glorious being.

So the trip ended and what did I do? I drove some more!! Actually it was lobster season in the Keys as I mentioned before and I spent the days huffing and wheezing over lobster holes diving down into the salty blue abyss and returning to the sky bearing armfuls of tasty gourmet crustaceans. Unfortunately this was during a time when I should have been unpacking the apartment so I returned to Atlanta totally refreshed and relaxed with my living space looking like some sort of super cool packaging and boxing bomb went off. Oh and on Saturday we went dolphin fishing and totally kicked ass so now I have thousands of pounds of fresh Flipper flesh that goes great with potatoes. (Editor's note: stop being gay it isn't the mammal it's the fish) Anyway the Keys were badass and I'm really glad I got to go but these 12 hour road trips are going to have to stop for a little while. Also went on a nice little side trip to West Palm to visit Captain Pat Mcmonster...oh that freaking guy never disappoints.

So now I'm back in Atlanta doing stuff. Ya know just hanging. I joined a gym which in the past has almost always been the equivalent of using paper money to smear dog shit on the kitchen table but I'm very confident this time I will go more than 4 times and abort this baby that has been growing in my gut. Other than that it's been unpacking and watching TrueBlood and getting back in the swing of whathaveyou that embodies my life. Next mission is going to be find a job and start studying for the GRE/GMAT. As long as I can stay off the couch that shouldn't be too much of a problem although our apartment does look like an opium den what with all the pillows and couches and drug paraphernalia. Braves, beer, and Bartletts tonight. Peace and I promise to keep this blog going more regularly in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't those Google AdSense checks started rolling in?? You must have a million readers by now sheeiit
