Wednesday, August 31, 2011

From the deepest canyons...

And this guy's seeing String Cheese in November!!! That's right bitches! Holy crap so many activities coming up in the near future when am I supposed to get some lame-ass job and do gay stuff? Haha just kidding guys! In any case I've totally been douchey with this blog and I promise I'll keep up with stuff.

Okie dokie so gyms are totally awful shitbag curses that feed on baby souls in hell with Satan. Haha I'm just kidding I love going to the gym especially on Gay Day!! Whatever I'm getting in shape and trying to keep everyone off my ass. And I probably should start playing in a new band. And selling tacos. And doing Yoga. Deadmau5, Pretty Lights, Bassnectar, The String Cheese Incident, The Bulldawgs, nice ladies, grilled hotdogs, bags of powdered hallucinogens, flat brims, florescents, boobs, Daddy issues, incoming Fall with temperatures above 90, forgotten dreams, achieved hopes, and delicious delicious victory for all involved.

Haha just kidding I'm just gonna keep kidding you guys forever haha just kidding that would never happen in any real sort of haha just kidding holy fucking shit I've gotta stop saying I'm just kidding haha just kidding that was the other Richard he doesn't know what he's talking about I'm in control now so now we're gonna run this blog for the rest of time hahahahaha...

Haha for real this time I am kidding Richard has taken back over of this undeletable blog that he really enjoys reading. So ya as is usually the case with regard to the exiting Summer, football season approaches and gives people legitimate excuses to stay inside on beautiful Spring-like days. I'm comfortable with that and you fucking should be too. Either balls Georgia plays Boise Twatstate on Saturday and I can not freaking wait to drink heavily and speak jibberish to midwestern children. Haha just kidding I'll totally be respectful!!

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