Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holy shit this is still here! Well we all know about my idea about the zombie stripper movie. It's called "Zombie Strippers." The tag line is "they're dead on the inside AND the outside" and it will involve a bakery and interstellar travel. Oh, and all the strippers can speak but they all talk like they're retarded. Kind of a comedy feel to the ordeal.

Does anyone else know somebody that can't continue a conversation when "Night Moves" comes on? I mean I'm sorry but I'm not going to put my existence and intense discussion about if Leia was ever forced to have sex with Jabba while she was a slave and the intricacies involved therein just because some drug addict you knew once happened to enjoy this one song. It's a good song! Everybody likes it fuck you! I'd like to see Obama do that to Vladimir Putin in the middle of disarmament negotiations. "Vlad hey shut the fuck up for a sec." Actually in all honestly that would be kinda cool. Fuck those commy cocksuckers we'll finish this treaty when we're good and goddamn ready.

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