Monday, October 3, 2011

Could weaponized Rabies be the mutated zombie super-virus that finally starts the Apocolypse?

OK I have a question for the masses...does Hollywood know when it makes a shitty movie? I just watched Waterworld (ya...that whole freaking movie) and literally every 30 seconds I was seeing something that didn't make any sense whatsoever. I mean holy shit so the entire plot is worked around this little girl with a tattoo of a map to dry land on her back. You know what this map is? It's a circle with an arrow on it. How freaking stupid is having a map when everything is water. And nobody once asks this little girl where she got the tattoo. Another hole in that plot...where did all the bad guys get the cigarettes? I mean I know it was a requirement with mid-nineties movies that bad guys had to smoke but I found it a bit difficult to explain in this film. If only Nicolas Cage could have been in it....
Getting back to my point, does Hollywood know when it makes a piece of shit movie. There has to be incredibly intelligent people out there writing these movies. Are they convinced what they've written is good or do they think the American people are stupid enough to think it's cool and thus produce a sizeable profit with the least amount of intellectual labor. Honestly I believe it's the latter. We cater to and worship awful morons in this country and I think Hollywood is going to continue to push turds onto the movie screen as long as assholes are keeping those Jersey Shore mongoloids high in the ratings. Retardary and obnoxiousness are valued in our culture and that is why everything sucks here now. I am certainly not against a private industry making profits and I believe deeply in free trade and capitalism but I am very convinced that the search for profits in Hollywood has destroyed an artform in America and that is a fucking shame. For God sakes did you guys see Green Lantern? We've become lab rats giving measured reactions to flashing lights and pretty colors. No spirits, no passion, no excitement and no good taste in anything. Of course can I really talk shit? I want to start a George Michael cover band and Roswell is one of my favorite shows of all time. Nah...I ain't apologizing for that. The WB was the Renaissance of teen TV (miss you Buffy).

Destin...I love you. You are a perfect combination of redneck water worship and snooty housewives swiping their souls away in outlet malls. Of crystal-clean white beaches with young blonds wearing skimpy bathing suits and alcoholic illiterate wharf rats gutting mackerel in the sun. This week we go down for the rodeo and I am extremely pumped. I probably should live in Florida. My three favorite things are fishing, not wearing shoes, and drinking beer. Of course I can technically do all of those things here but it's so much more awesome down there. OK I'm not getting on a rant about moving to Florida. Shit I've got the state of Georgia tattooed on my back! With an arrow, pointing up! And it leads to dry land!

Oh so they let Amanda Knox out today! Good for her...go America!! I was thinking earlier how funny it would be if her parents get her back here and they immediately go eat at Olive Garden. That would crack me up.

No I haven't gotten a job yet. There are too many activities coming up. I know that sounds shitty but it's really hard to start a new job and then immediately be like "I'm gonna need the next few weekends off." I will get something soon though. I have to. For Christ sake I'm watching Waterworld!

Man I don't have that many ideas this week...Fishing and beach-bumming it for the next few days so I should have some material here next week. Later peeps!

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