Thursday, June 9, 2011

Okie Dokie...

Good afternoon! So I'm in Columbus for the wedding fiasco and I am spending a lot of time counting seconds until I blast off into the universe the Voyager satellite with better music and more beer. I'm looking forward to Biloxi...hell maybe I can get on a heater and actually make money on this excursion. After that, Austin...I keep hearing more and more about this mysterious town and it sounds quite awesome although I have never trusted Texas people...hmmm we'll have to see but at least Panic's going to be there. So ya at this point it's all preparing and thinking and strategizing and all that overanalysis shit we all do before something like this. OK I'm going to go start drinking for Mary's wedding and get into character. There will definitely be more funny stuff coming up I'm sure. Have a good weekend!

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