Why in the hell is it that when you cry your nose starts running and you wind up blowing snot rockets all over creation while having a meaningful moment looking at the Atlas and thinking about being...Jesus Christ that was the biggest goddamn mosquito I've ever killed in my life!!! Holy ballsacks on Mars I should mount that sonofabitch!! OK I'll clear things up this is being written on a pad in Grand Teton National Park next to my tent. The fat lady is singing her ass off and I just figured up the amount of miles I must traverse to be back in the Grove at Lenox Park:1847 miles. Shitdamn...I piss 1847 miles with a hangover and hemorrhoids on a Tuesday in my sleep! I ain't no pussy. ( Editor's note: I neither have hemorrhoids nor do I intend on being hungover on Tuesday but many elements have been added for dramatic effect.)
Grand Teton is the coux de gras (Sp.? Fuck the French) of my adventure and for the first time I saw them today and my God they are far more amazing than the best screensaver I've ever seen in my life. Just a few towering, majestic behemoths backlit by the sun over a massive blue lake that has to be slightly less polluted than the Chattahoochie. Tomorrow I'm going to take them on and get a good couple of hikes in before streaking across North America in a steady burn back to God's other country. I finally have found that I miss my family, my friends, and my glorious boner-inspiring pillow-top bed. When it came down to it...it was the scabies. Damn things are a bitch! I'm just kidding I haven't had anything like that but I am ready to be home after satisfying my Earth-lust out here in Wyoming. It was definitely a shitshow getting down here from Whitefish and I actually did get to see a good bit of Yellowstone in that you have to go right through the middle for 2 hours to get to GT. And honestly...meh. I mean it was cool what with all the geysers and steam and assorted other warnings of the coming apocalypse. I found it to be mostly trees and really slow-driving old fucks that have NO sensitivity toward a kid trying to haul ass to Teton before all the campsites fill up.
In any case this does mean I am nearing the end of my trip but definitely not the end of this blog for damn sure. Actually I'll probably have plenty to bitch about when I return what with the moving and getting shit caught up. Oh and guess what? The wild and wonderful Dorchaks are headed down to the Keys on the 6th and guess who they want to come? And guess who's moving on the 6th? And guess who's driving almost to Key West after moving for 2 days? Actually please excuse any negativity you might have picked during that sequence in that I absolutely ADORE every single person on this planet with the Dorchak name and if they're going snorkeling for lobster come shitrain or fucktards I'm going to be there. Like I'm sweating driving...dude I'm the drive fucking mater!!I really can't wait to be home though...I love you all and will see you very soon.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Holy Shit I'm Behind...
(Written on a pad of paper a few days ago)
So I left Seattle after some strange adventures. That Kiwi I mentioned actually turned out to be an Australian and we wound up hanging out for a couple days and I actually stayed in Seattle an extra day to check out the EMP (experience Music Project) which had this massive exhibit about Nirvana and Jimi Hendrix and all these rooms where you could play instruments and it was definitely another one of my nerdgasms...total blast and was interesting as shit. So Steve the Aussie and I go rage that shit and then say fuck it and take a ferry ride over to Bainbridge island which I knew nothing about. It turns out they have a shitload of really good wine over there and my mission to obtain Pinot Grigio for Dad was finally a success! Well...mostly. So I buy a bunch of wine on the island and we say "shit we better go catch the ferry" and run down and miss it by like a minute. At that point we had 45 minutes to kill and once again, as I have so many times on this trip, said "fuck it" and I pushed the cork in to one of Dad's bottles and we commenced to sit on the curb in the parking lot and got wino shitfaced like hobos...it was definitely one of the classier experiences so far. Anyway Steve was cool as hell and was also doing an extended tour of Geography only his is literally around the world. Now that shit's intense yet a very favorable challenge.
So I pressed onward and my next stop was to be Glacier National Park. I did not have a place to stay there but figured I'd figure something out. Instead I hollered at the awesome and glorious Elizabeth Sutton because I thought she knew people up there. She responds and gives me her friend Holly's number who I call and introduce myself. She tells me they're out of town but gives me the address and says for me to just go on in and make myself at home...the door's open. Hahaha wow really? Well hell so I plugged their address in my GPS, ride on up, go inside and crash in these people's house like I lived there! They are definitely the nicest and most laid back people on the planet. And then the neighbors saw me and I explained the situation and they invited me for dinner! There are some very nice people in Montana. Glacier was freaking GORGEOUS by the way. I know ya'll are getting sick of hearing that but Glacier was definitely the most mind-blowing thing I've seen. And there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground!! Craziness but I got some amazing pictures and had a wonderful day up there. I then returned to Whitefish where Holly and Andy had returned and they took me to another neighbor's house and i wound up drinking beer with the great-grandson of Casey Jones...the coked up train guy from the Grateful Dead song!! Celebrity number 2...check. Helluva time up there and my eternal gratitude to Holly and Andy. If they ever find themselves in Atlanta and would like to sleep in my living room they are definitely set with beers on me.
So I left Seattle after some strange adventures. That Kiwi I mentioned actually turned out to be an Australian and we wound up hanging out for a couple days and I actually stayed in Seattle an extra day to check out the EMP (experience Music Project) which had this massive exhibit about Nirvana and Jimi Hendrix and all these rooms where you could play instruments and it was definitely another one of my nerdgasms...total blast and was interesting as shit. So Steve the Aussie and I go rage that shit and then say fuck it and take a ferry ride over to Bainbridge island which I knew nothing about. It turns out they have a shitload of really good wine over there and my mission to obtain Pinot Grigio for Dad was finally a success! Well...mostly. So I buy a bunch of wine on the island and we say "shit we better go catch the ferry" and run down and miss it by like a minute. At that point we had 45 minutes to kill and once again, as I have so many times on this trip, said "fuck it" and I pushed the cork in to one of Dad's bottles and we commenced to sit on the curb in the parking lot and got wino shitfaced like hobos...it was definitely one of the classier experiences so far. Anyway Steve was cool as hell and was also doing an extended tour of Geography only his is literally around the world. Now that shit's intense yet a very favorable challenge.
So I pressed onward and my next stop was to be Glacier National Park. I did not have a place to stay there but figured I'd figure something out. Instead I hollered at the awesome and glorious Elizabeth Sutton because I thought she knew people up there. She responds and gives me her friend Holly's number who I call and introduce myself. She tells me they're out of town but gives me the address and says for me to just go on in and make myself at home...the door's open. Hahaha wow really? Well hell so I plugged their address in my GPS, ride on up, go inside and crash in these people's house like I lived there! They are definitely the nicest and most laid back people on the planet. And then the neighbors saw me and I explained the situation and they invited me for dinner! There are some very nice people in Montana. Glacier was freaking GORGEOUS by the way. I know ya'll are getting sick of hearing that but Glacier was definitely the most mind-blowing thing I've seen. And there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground!! Craziness but I got some amazing pictures and had a wonderful day up there. I then returned to Whitefish where Holly and Andy had returned and they took me to another neighbor's house and i wound up drinking beer with the great-grandson of Casey Jones...the coked up train guy from the Grateful Dead song!! Celebrity number 2...check. Helluva time up there and my eternal gratitude to Holly and Andy. If they ever find themselves in Atlanta and would like to sleep in my living room they are definitely set with beers on me.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Endor is gorgeous this time of year...
Alright guys I'm in Seattle and let's get the heroin flowing!!! I got some angst to release and ain't nobody keeping me off the needle!!! OK I'm just kidding I'm not going to do heroin but I definitely want to go see some heroin-fueled rock bands. I came as I am but my pillow ain't made of concrete.
So...Portland. Absolutely beautiful city with a lot of homeless people and really good beer...connection perhaps? Before getting there I had one of the longer burns of this trip going 10 hours through Redwood forests and gorgeous coastline out of Ft. Bragg, California. Don't ask me where it is but I slept there. So anyway I survived that awesome drive and landed at the hostel in Portland and was immediately directed to the Rogue brewery which I didn't even know was in Portland. Really cool place and I got to sample a bunch of their different beers as well as their fine line of homemade liquors which I wasn't aware of. Even got a bottle of whiskey to take home. Souvenirs are fun!
So I only got to put in a day in Portland because I'm running low on time and I shot on up to Seattle. And everything I've ever heard about Seattle is bullshit...the weather is wonderful here! Right now it's sunny and about 71 degrees and awesome. Even the beggars are in good spirits! Speaking of that...this easily the most homeless city I've been to so far. I'm getting hit up for change constently but it ain't so bad.
So last night I was craving some music and I went down to the Funhouse which is actually next door to the Space Needle and is a fantastic music venue. The band I saw was decent but they did prove my theory that a band's quality automatically jumps 2 points on a ten-point scale if they can employ a hot chick bassist. They were good but between the brownie and God-awful douche of a second act playing a mandolin and screaming gibberish, I went on home by 11:30 and was accosted several times by crackheads who I thought were going to rape me on the street and take my shoes. Fortunately that did not happen and I was able to survive for my glorious walking tour of downtown Seattle this morning. I also rode to the top of the Space Needle this afternoon so I've had a productively touristy day of fun. I'll likely go find a happy hour and some dinner here shortly and perhaps another show tonight if one is nearby. We'll see.
In any case this is sort of the halfway point of my trip although I will be home in less than 2 weeks. This trip has been every bit as refreshing and epic as I planned it to be and I am confident it will have changed me at least somewhat when I get back. I feel far more confident in myself and my ability to survive in the world. This country is massively grand and awe-inspiring and my only regret is that I hadn't done this sooner. After Seattle I think I may make a run for Glacier National Park and from there work my way down to Grand Teton. From there a couple of healthy burns downward should get me home to my bed.
Well a friendly New Zealander I met at the Space Needle earlier just stopped by the room to see if I wanted to go for drinks and I think I might oblige! I'll resist the temptation to ask how Frodo and Sam are doing with the ring situation. I love you guys and can't wait to see everyone again soon!
So...Portland. Absolutely beautiful city with a lot of homeless people and really good beer...connection perhaps? Before getting there I had one of the longer burns of this trip going 10 hours through Redwood forests and gorgeous coastline out of Ft. Bragg, California. Don't ask me where it is but I slept there. So anyway I survived that awesome drive and landed at the hostel in Portland and was immediately directed to the Rogue brewery which I didn't even know was in Portland. Really cool place and I got to sample a bunch of their different beers as well as their fine line of homemade liquors which I wasn't aware of. Even got a bottle of whiskey to take home. Souvenirs are fun!
So I only got to put in a day in Portland because I'm running low on time and I shot on up to Seattle. And everything I've ever heard about Seattle is bullshit...the weather is wonderful here! Right now it's sunny and about 71 degrees and awesome. Even the beggars are in good spirits! Speaking of that...this easily the most homeless city I've been to so far. I'm getting hit up for change constently but it ain't so bad.
So last night I was craving some music and I went down to the Funhouse which is actually next door to the Space Needle and is a fantastic music venue. The band I saw was decent but they did prove my theory that a band's quality automatically jumps 2 points on a ten-point scale if they can employ a hot chick bassist. They were good but between the brownie and God-awful douche of a second act playing a mandolin and screaming gibberish, I went on home by 11:30 and was accosted several times by crackheads who I thought were going to rape me on the street and take my shoes. Fortunately that did not happen and I was able to survive for my glorious walking tour of downtown Seattle this morning. I also rode to the top of the Space Needle this afternoon so I've had a productively touristy day of fun. I'll likely go find a happy hour and some dinner here shortly and perhaps another show tonight if one is nearby. We'll see.
In any case this is sort of the halfway point of my trip although I will be home in less than 2 weeks. This trip has been every bit as refreshing and epic as I planned it to be and I am confident it will have changed me at least somewhat when I get back. I feel far more confident in myself and my ability to survive in the world. This country is massively grand and awe-inspiring and my only regret is that I hadn't done this sooner. After Seattle I think I may make a run for Glacier National Park and from there work my way down to Grand Teton. From there a couple of healthy burns downward should get me home to my bed.
Well a friendly New Zealander I met at the Space Needle earlier just stopped by the room to see if I wanted to go for drinks and I think I might oblige! I'll resist the temptation to ask how Frodo and Sam are doing with the ring situation. I love you guys and can't wait to see everyone again soon!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Damn this toilet is starting to smell like the Sixties!
OK these hills are officially starting to own my ass. You're just strolling along enjoying the day and you say "hey I wonder what's around this corner" and then you turn and you're staring at the base of K fucking 2 but then you realize the bus stop is up there and you have to do it and then you start sweating and then the water starts getting cold on you're back and you remember what Bear Grylls said about hypothermia but you climb anyway and it's funny watching people in suits and stuff trying to negotiate super steep mountains in the middle of North Beach with little messenger bags. Oh ya North Beach is cool as hell...pizza and gelato everywhere. I think that's why I'm huffing and puffing up and down these hills...I'm eating awesome food every fifteen minutes.
By the way Haight-Ashbury was exactly what I expected it to be. There are a shitload of head shops, a shitload of drug addicts and homeless people, and every once in a while a cute little family from Minnesota satisfying the exact same impulse that took them to the San Diego Zoo. It was cool and I'm glad I got to see it but hippies, as they have since the beginning of time, still suck. Although I'm only a couple steps above a hippie so I can't talk too much shit. Golden Gate park by the way is freaking HUGE!! It's 3 miles long!! It definitely got me to thinking...Atlanta needs to step up its park situation soon. Piedmont is a baby to that monstrosity and in San Fran there are parks every other block and I'm a bit of a park guy so I wish there were more back home. I mean come on...where are the homeless people supposed to sleep and buy crank? In the street like a common dreg? That shit just ain't fair. I think I read somewhere that Atlanta has the least amount of park space of all the major cities and that sucks. Although Piedmont is a great place to have an anonymous sexual encounter for sure it just doesn't measure up to the plethora of hiding places and little nooks in Golden Gate that afford free love to flow all over the Bay Area. And be careful where you step because that free love will definitely stick to your shoe.
So Collin's got this friend Renard that is apparently very excited to show people cool stuff to eat in town and I officially feel like Anthony Bourdain minus the money and fame and coolness. We went on a taco tour the other night down in the Mission and holy shit that was freaking AWESOME! They have phenomenal taquerias out here and we went to five different ones and had a taco at each. Chorrizo and prawns and cow tongue and everything else imaginable paired with the most delicious salsas you can imagine on homemade tortillas. Needless to say I shit like Nagasaki both that night and the morning after...details that Bourdain conveniently leaves out whenever he's circling the globe eating steaming and delicious bowls of dysentery. And then last night Renard gave the green light to the second assault on my digestive system by introducing me to his favorite Thai restaurant down the way. Oh red curry spare ribs you are like spicy heroin. Although I did try to mainline them and the needle got terribly clogged. Don't try that guys...just eat them like normal.
Well what next? I'm starting to miss the great outdoors once again but I have a ticket on the Alcatraz cruise on Saturday Sean Connery style so I think I'm staying until at least Sunday morning. Collin keeps bragging about the sushi out here...we'll see what their super crunch roll does to my perspective of the universe. They probably don't have one because unlike in the South here not everything edible must be fried in oil although that does make everything better. I suppose this is turning into the Eat part of my trip if you must compare my journey to certain Julia Roberts women's empowerment movies about self-discovery. I ain't doing much praying these days but I always got a lotta love to give. Jesus that was lame. Okie dokie I gotta get my shit together and go see more stuff in this glorious town. Keep it real homies...I'll try to get one more post in before I enter the forest again because who knows when I'll have internet again. Peace!
By the way Haight-Ashbury was exactly what I expected it to be. There are a shitload of head shops, a shitload of drug addicts and homeless people, and every once in a while a cute little family from Minnesota satisfying the exact same impulse that took them to the San Diego Zoo. It was cool and I'm glad I got to see it but hippies, as they have since the beginning of time, still suck. Although I'm only a couple steps above a hippie so I can't talk too much shit. Golden Gate park by the way is freaking HUGE!! It's 3 miles long!! It definitely got me to thinking...Atlanta needs to step up its park situation soon. Piedmont is a baby to that monstrosity and in San Fran there are parks every other block and I'm a bit of a park guy so I wish there were more back home. I mean come on...where are the homeless people supposed to sleep and buy crank? In the street like a common dreg? That shit just ain't fair. I think I read somewhere that Atlanta has the least amount of park space of all the major cities and that sucks. Although Piedmont is a great place to have an anonymous sexual encounter for sure it just doesn't measure up to the plethora of hiding places and little nooks in Golden Gate that afford free love to flow all over the Bay Area. And be careful where you step because that free love will definitely stick to your shoe.
So Collin's got this friend Renard that is apparently very excited to show people cool stuff to eat in town and I officially feel like Anthony Bourdain minus the money and fame and coolness. We went on a taco tour the other night down in the Mission and holy shit that was freaking AWESOME! They have phenomenal taquerias out here and we went to five different ones and had a taco at each. Chorrizo and prawns and cow tongue and everything else imaginable paired with the most delicious salsas you can imagine on homemade tortillas. Needless to say I shit like Nagasaki both that night and the morning after...details that Bourdain conveniently leaves out whenever he's circling the globe eating steaming and delicious bowls of dysentery. And then last night Renard gave the green light to the second assault on my digestive system by introducing me to his favorite Thai restaurant down the way. Oh red curry spare ribs you are like spicy heroin. Although I did try to mainline them and the needle got terribly clogged. Don't try that guys...just eat them like normal.
Well what next? I'm starting to miss the great outdoors once again but I have a ticket on the Alcatraz cruise on Saturday Sean Connery style so I think I'm staying until at least Sunday morning. Collin keeps bragging about the sushi out here...we'll see what their super crunch roll does to my perspective of the universe. They probably don't have one because unlike in the South here not everything edible must be fried in oil although that does make everything better. I suppose this is turning into the Eat part of my trip if you must compare my journey to certain Julia Roberts women's empowerment movies about self-discovery. I ain't doing much praying these days but I always got a lotta love to give. Jesus that was lame. Okie dokie I gotta get my shit together and go see more stuff in this glorious town. Keep it real homies...I'll try to get one more post in before I enter the forest again because who knows when I'll have internet again. Peace!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I'm making these hills my bitch...
So San Francisco is an absolutely beautiful town but it is freaking cold here! How in the hell is it July and it feels like Georgia in November. Freaking weird weather...maybe that's why all the people are so weird. Of course the weather was lovely in Venice and those people were major freaks. Oh the strange people out here are the best tourist trap. In any case I got in last Friday and largely chilled for the first couple days because I wanted to hang with Collin and Stephanie while they were both available. We downed some serious celebratory tequila shots Friday and Saturday I did laundry(was running dangerously low on undies) and took care of some biznass and Sunday we had a cookout with the neighbors...healthy stuff for sure. Monday I decided to start in on the touristy stuff. Oh and the freaking boat to Alcatraz is booked up until next Tuesday!!! What the balls that sucked but maybe I can be a stowaway and ironically sneak onto the island...naaaa it ain't quite worth that but I may see if there's a cancellation or something. But ya wandered around Fisherman's Wharf and got some noodles in Chinatown and skipped through Ghirardelli Square and did acid in Golden Gate Park and yada yada yada it was a lovely day and I think I walked a marathon.
So my Tuesday was awesome!!! So this whole thing about the wineries is freaking great!! I was really intimidated by the idea at first but after a lot of procrastination I finally balled up and just went inside one and asked to try their stuff and I started slamming chardonnays. Fun fun day and oh by the way if you ever have a major urge to blow a shitload of money skip Vegas and go to Napa. Everything is delicious and you try the stuff and you immediately feel like you should at least get a bottle. I got a few bottles and even popped one to go with the steaks Collin and I had for dinner. All in all a healthy day but I spent too much damn money on wine and woke up with a headache this morning. Ain't the first time! In any case I really am enjoying San Francisco...this whole town is just incredibly attractive and clean and I've been eating well. I'm really hoping we can get out to Yosemite this weekend but Collin doesn't know if he can make it since he may have to work. Totally lame but we'll see what happens. Okie doke I'll post again soon hopefully when I have a few more interesting anecdotes and musings. Farewell and blah blah blah.:)
So my Tuesday was awesome!!! So this whole thing about the wineries is freaking great!! I was really intimidated by the idea at first but after a lot of procrastination I finally balled up and just went inside one and asked to try their stuff and I started slamming chardonnays. Fun fun day and oh by the way if you ever have a major urge to blow a shitload of money skip Vegas and go to Napa. Everything is delicious and you try the stuff and you immediately feel like you should at least get a bottle. I got a few bottles and even popped one to go with the steaks Collin and I had for dinner. All in all a healthy day but I spent too much damn money on wine and woke up with a headache this morning. Ain't the first time! In any case I really am enjoying San Francisco...this whole town is just incredibly attractive and clean and I've been eating well. I'm really hoping we can get out to Yosemite this weekend but Collin doesn't know if he can make it since he may have to work. Totally lame but we'll see what happens. Okie doke I'll post again soon hopefully when I have a few more interesting anecdotes and musings. Farewell and blah blah blah.:)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Ain't no flowers in my hair but I'm here!
So I have come out of the woods and I am in San Francisco! Once again I'm a little behind due to asssorted retardaries and being lost in the wilderness Kerouac style so I'll try to get back up to speed.
So I had to get the F outta LA...the bullshit and the people and the partying was seriously starting to wear on me. I wound up spending the 4th with these Dutch chicks and after hanging with these Swiss dudes the Canadians wanted to meet up and I started to feel like the fucking U.N.!!! So I skipped Hollywood except for checking out the Getty Museum which was absolutely AMAZING!! They have 4 Monets, a bunch of Degas, and the most beautiful Van Gogh painting I've ever seen. Chilled there for a while and then shot up to Santa Barbara largely just to get a motel and clean up my car and myself and plan out some stuff. After that it was on to Big Sur. Stopped at the Hearst castle for a bit which was the most opulently obnoxious frigging place I've ever payed $25 to look around. The view was pretty breathtaking but the house is largely a massive monument to some eccentric trustfund baby assbag that had to come up with stuff to do with his money so he built this rediculous mansion on top of a mountain so everyone would be impressed by him. Honestly there was some cool art but fuck that guy...I'm glad Orson Welles made Citizen Kane and talked shit.
So I camped out for a night and headed on up the coast. Highway 1 is freaking INCREDIBLE...basically as you're driving every 5 minutes you're blown away by something else. Cliffs and mountains and rocks and God knows what else are just everywhere and you're driving along the Pacific ocean and it's just humbling to see some of the stuff that is on this Earth. It's hard to describe and paint a picture of the country out here. You really have to see it...or look at pictures I guess so GFGI you lazy fucks!! After a gorgeous morning drive I got to Big Sur proper (Big Sur basically comprises a bunch of state parks along the coast from San Simeon all the way up to Monterrey) and camped in Andrew Molera State Park. I had a healthy hike along the coast and up a mountain which provided the best view I've had of the world in a while and then camped out. I was thinking of staying another night but the cold combined with the $25-$35 a night camping fee pushed me Northward to Monterrey and Santa Cruz where I went on a busted excursion to find Big Basin Redwood Park and said F it and carried on to visit my bestest buddies in the whole wide California Collin and Stephanie. Ahhh...a shower and a mattress not surrounded by Europeans is quite the luxury at this point. Loving life as always my friends. And I think I almost have it figured out what I might do when I return to the real world so maybe I'll come back from this with the whole reason I did it. Okie doke well I think Collin and I are going to hit the beach shortly (I know...I didn't know there were beaches here either. I'm sure as shit not getting in the water) and try to not look like a gay couple. I should be able to post a little more frequently since they have internet and I ain't paying for it! Farewell and Godspeed brahs and brahdettes!
So I had to get the F outta LA...the bullshit and the people and the partying was seriously starting to wear on me. I wound up spending the 4th with these Dutch chicks and after hanging with these Swiss dudes the Canadians wanted to meet up and I started to feel like the fucking U.N.!!! So I skipped Hollywood except for checking out the Getty Museum which was absolutely AMAZING!! They have 4 Monets, a bunch of Degas, and the most beautiful Van Gogh painting I've ever seen. Chilled there for a while and then shot up to Santa Barbara largely just to get a motel and clean up my car and myself and plan out some stuff. After that it was on to Big Sur. Stopped at the Hearst castle for a bit which was the most opulently obnoxious frigging place I've ever payed $25 to look around. The view was pretty breathtaking but the house is largely a massive monument to some eccentric trustfund baby assbag that had to come up with stuff to do with his money so he built this rediculous mansion on top of a mountain so everyone would be impressed by him. Honestly there was some cool art but fuck that guy...I'm glad Orson Welles made Citizen Kane and talked shit.
So I camped out for a night and headed on up the coast. Highway 1 is freaking INCREDIBLE...basically as you're driving every 5 minutes you're blown away by something else. Cliffs and mountains and rocks and God knows what else are just everywhere and you're driving along the Pacific ocean and it's just humbling to see some of the stuff that is on this Earth. It's hard to describe and paint a picture of the country out here. You really have to see it...or look at pictures I guess so GFGI you lazy fucks!! After a gorgeous morning drive I got to Big Sur proper (Big Sur basically comprises a bunch of state parks along the coast from San Simeon all the way up to Monterrey) and camped in Andrew Molera State Park. I had a healthy hike along the coast and up a mountain which provided the best view I've had of the world in a while and then camped out. I was thinking of staying another night but the cold combined with the $25-$35 a night camping fee pushed me Northward to Monterrey and Santa Cruz where I went on a busted excursion to find Big Basin Redwood Park and said F it and carried on to visit my bestest buddies in the whole wide California Collin and Stephanie. Ahhh...a shower and a mattress not surrounded by Europeans is quite the luxury at this point. Loving life as always my friends. And I think I almost have it figured out what I might do when I return to the real world so maybe I'll come back from this with the whole reason I did it. Okie doke well I think Collin and I are going to hit the beach shortly (I know...I didn't know there were beaches here either. I'm sure as shit not getting in the water) and try to not look like a gay couple. I should be able to post a little more frequently since they have internet and I ain't paying for it! Farewell and Godspeed brahs and brahdettes!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Ya this is Hollywood...
Holy shit I have got some catching up to do!! I'm sorry guys I got into Venice beach and they charge money for the stupid internet here and I haven't had the motivation to get on here and post for a couple days. Now where was I?
Holy shit so San Diego wound up being soooooo AWESOME!! I mean the whole "I don't want to drink too much on this trip" thing is completely shattered but it was a wonderful time. The second night there there was a pub crawl and it was basically me and about 10 girls from all over the friggin place. Couldn't complain about that even when we emptied the karaoke bar and I dropped a ten dollar double bourbon and coke on the floor. Anyway I survived that night and wound up going to the beach the next day with the lovely Helena and My. Helena is from Germany and My was Swedish and they were both the cutest and sweetest girls ever. Had a blast at the beach and when I got back all those Irish fucks made fun of my sunglass coon eyes. Ya I forgot the sunscreen but it has since shifted into a tasteful and attractive bronzing...still got coon eyes though. That night we had trivia in the common area and I was on a team of English people and we lost by one frigging point! Clubs after that and the whole thing started again but many great friends and wonderful people. Oh and I was able to apologize to the girl about the dubstep comments and she totally forgave me but subjected me to an extremely long-winded and awful history lesson in dubstep and how her friends invented it and people don't understand the musical intricacies of blah blah blah holy shit I don't care! I was polite and nodded however and found myself in the good graces of the hostel staff once again. Good times in general.
So I left San Diego and actually brought a friend. Alex ze German asked if he could hitch a ride to Venice beach and I obliged. Super cool guy but it was funny because I didn't figure out what his name was until we were half way to LA. So we get in the first night and go on a fantastic pub crawl with these Norwegian chicks that culminated in yet another shitshow of a night. And then yesterday Alex and I wanted to grab a quick happy hour drink and wander into some cantina featuring something or another and shrimp tacos and I hear "Hey Bulldog!!" as a response to my red Georgia hat I was proudly wearing. It turns out these guys are from Atlanta Chris Clark and Kyle Tekiela and they know Goldie and Molly and everyone back home! So they take me to this random ass block party and I wind up drinking beer with this dude claiming he was the sound engineer for Ray Charles and he tells me I need to get in touch with him after I finish my trip and he'll help me get a book published. Obviously raining bullshit all over the place but it was still cool. Then I find out the house we're at is the guy from 10 Things I hate about You...not Inception dude but the guy that was the douchebag bad guy in the movie. Guy's all hippied out with a fucking satchel but it was still a trip to be drinking at a movie star's house. So by this point I haven't eaten and I'm starving so I grab a sandwich and go upstairs ready to chill for a bit and get pulled into yet another friggin' pubcrawl with these lovely Irish ladies and this French girl who knew about 3 words in English. She was a sweetheart though and I had to help her order beers and stuff at the club. Oh and I haven't even mentioned that Venice Beach is a TRIP!!! Crazy people everywhere...bunch of street performers and crazy folks selling shit and on acid and dragging about this place is delightfully weird. Oh ya and last night after getting back from the bar I almost saw a damn bum fight in front of the hostel. This place is so different but I'm still loving life although at this point my liver is starting to hate me. July 4th tomorrow and I have no plans but I have a feeling something will pop up...it seems to be happening a lot lately! Maybe Hollywood next for a night before I go back to the wild for a couple days before San Fran. Oh and I just found out I have to be back to Atlanta to move by the 8th so my trip might be cut a bit short. Oh well such is life...I'll be back on when I get somewhere that has free frigging Wifi!!!!! Ciao beeches!!!!
Holy shit so San Diego wound up being soooooo AWESOME!! I mean the whole "I don't want to drink too much on this trip" thing is completely shattered but it was a wonderful time. The second night there there was a pub crawl and it was basically me and about 10 girls from all over the friggin place. Couldn't complain about that even when we emptied the karaoke bar and I dropped a ten dollar double bourbon and coke on the floor. Anyway I survived that night and wound up going to the beach the next day with the lovely Helena and My. Helena is from Germany and My was Swedish and they were both the cutest and sweetest girls ever. Had a blast at the beach and when I got back all those Irish fucks made fun of my sunglass coon eyes. Ya I forgot the sunscreen but it has since shifted into a tasteful and attractive bronzing...still got coon eyes though. That night we had trivia in the common area and I was on a team of English people and we lost by one frigging point! Clubs after that and the whole thing started again but many great friends and wonderful people. Oh and I was able to apologize to the girl about the dubstep comments and she totally forgave me but subjected me to an extremely long-winded and awful history lesson in dubstep and how her friends invented it and people don't understand the musical intricacies of blah blah blah holy shit I don't care! I was polite and nodded however and found myself in the good graces of the hostel staff once again. Good times in general.
So I left San Diego and actually brought a friend. Alex ze German asked if he could hitch a ride to Venice beach and I obliged. Super cool guy but it was funny because I didn't figure out what his name was until we were half way to LA. So we get in the first night and go on a fantastic pub crawl with these Norwegian chicks that culminated in yet another shitshow of a night. And then yesterday Alex and I wanted to grab a quick happy hour drink and wander into some cantina featuring something or another and shrimp tacos and I hear "Hey Bulldog!!" as a response to my red Georgia hat I was proudly wearing. It turns out these guys are from Atlanta Chris Clark and Kyle Tekiela and they know Goldie and Molly and everyone back home! So they take me to this random ass block party and I wind up drinking beer with this dude claiming he was the sound engineer for Ray Charles and he tells me I need to get in touch with him after I finish my trip and he'll help me get a book published. Obviously raining bullshit all over the place but it was still cool. Then I find out the house we're at is the guy from 10 Things I hate about You...not Inception dude but the guy that was the douchebag bad guy in the movie. Guy's all hippied out with a fucking satchel but it was still a trip to be drinking at a movie star's house. So by this point I haven't eaten and I'm starving so I grab a sandwich and go upstairs ready to chill for a bit and get pulled into yet another friggin' pubcrawl with these lovely Irish ladies and this French girl who knew about 3 words in English. She was a sweetheart though and I had to help her order beers and stuff at the club. Oh and I haven't even mentioned that Venice Beach is a TRIP!!! Crazy people everywhere...bunch of street performers and crazy folks selling shit and on acid and dragging about this place is delightfully weird. Oh ya and last night after getting back from the bar I almost saw a damn bum fight in front of the hostel. This place is so different but I'm still loving life although at this point my liver is starting to hate me. July 4th tomorrow and I have no plans but I have a feeling something will pop up...it seems to be happening a lot lately! Maybe Hollywood next for a night before I go back to the wild for a couple days before San Fran. Oh and I just found out I have to be back to Atlanta to move by the 8th so my trip might be cut a bit short. Oh well such is life...I'll be back on when I get somewhere that has free frigging Wifi!!!!! Ciao beeches!!!!
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