Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 Layer Nachos...

So anyway...there is a reason why the 3-layer Nachos at Taco Bell are 89 cents...holy Christ that is the most disgusting thing I have ever imagined being forged by man.

I ate less then a third of that and I am convinced that it was made up entirely of human feces topped with nacho cheese.

I am almost positive I just contracted dysentery.

There are upwards of 2 dozen horrifying things I would consume with a fucking smile before I ever eat that fucking curse upon humanity spawned by the Prince of Darkness himself. Holy fucking shit I am amazed that the land of the free would allow such a travesty to be spewed upon the masses.

I have convinced myself that the primary ingredient of wretched dish is a Mexican that was killed in lieu of reporting to ICE.

Awful shitty meal
When drunk seems like good idea
Please don't shit the bed